Appartements Turnhout (BE) Terraces Massaranduba

Appartements Turnhout (BE)

About this project

At the Nieuwe Kaai in Turnhout, people are currently working on the development of five apartment blocks.
For the construction of this, they opted for hardwood terraces in the wood type 'massaranduba'.

A total of forty terraces have been built here with our wood.
Quality at its best.

The planks are 21mm thick and 145mm wide.
They are bolted with special stainless steel screws with a small 8mm head.

Craftsmanship of the contractor / our customer.

Houthandel Paulussen supplied the materials for this project. We do not realize projects ourselves, but we can refer you to the right craftsman or specialist.

Category: Terraces
Wood type:Massaranduba