These are heavy panels of 15mm thickness that are completely custom made.
The shelves are 10cm high and we can make up to 100cm at once.
An overlap is provided at the end each time.
In this project, 105 meters of facing from 70cm height was placed.
It is already very tight.
Precision in heavy work.
" />In Londerzeel (BE) our customer has placed a very strong earth barrier.
As a ground barrier we have the known braiding mats, but we also make heated bulkheads in our own production.
These are heavy panels of 15mm thickness that are completely custom made.
The shelves are 10cm high and we can make up to 100cm at once.
An overlap is provided at the end each time.
In this project, 105 meters of facing from 70cm height was placed.
It is already very tight.
Precision in heavy work.
Houthandel Paulussen supplied the materials for this project. We do not realize projects ourselves, but we can refer you to the right craftsman or specialist.