Tabebuia ipé (Mart.) Standl., T. cassinioides DC., T. guayacan Hemsl., T. longiflora Standl She belongs to the family of Bignoniaceae
Other names
Latin name
Tabebuia ipé (Mart.) Standl., T. cassinioides DC., T. guayacan Hemsl., T. longiflora Standl She belongs to the family of Bignoniaceae
Growth area
Tropical Central and South America
Tree description
Height 30-40m. The 8 - 40m long, straight, cylindrical trunk has a diameter of 0.6-0.9 (-1.8)m. The many tree species under this timber species are the cause of great variation.
Wood description
The greenish brown to greenish yellow-brown heartwood is clearly distinguishable distinguishable from the yellowish grey 40-80 mm thick sapwood. The heartwood often light to dark zones that can make it appear slightly striped. Also if crossgrain is present, a decorative fine stripe pattern may be present. Ipé has a fairly even structure without pronounced markings. The wood contains the substance lapachol, which is visible as (green)yellow stripes on the longitudinal surface. on the longitudinal surface. In contact with ammonia, lapachol turns red, making ipé (Surinamese green heart) from, for instance, demerara green heart. The wood is very hard and strong, difficult to split and very elastic.
Straight, sometimes cross-threaded or irregular thread.